Make it Happen

My family and I recently sat down together to work out some goals for the remainder of the year. I’m a firm believer that if you don’t do something with life, then life will do something with you! It doesn’t really matter how young or old you are. Goals help focus our lives. What’s even more important is when God’s goals become our goals. True success comes when we accomplish the goals God has set before us. We need to line up our goals with the goals God has for us. I call this process finding and fulfilling our “God ideas.” Good ideas are good, but God ideas are what we are after. If we’re not careful, we can let the “good” rob of from the “God.”

Here’s a few helpful steps to use for not only setting goals…but seeing them accomplished!

1. Write the Goal. This may seem pretty obvious, but most people never take the time to do this. It should be both specific and measurable. If your goal isn’t specific and measurable, you will have no way of knowing whether it’s been accomplished or not. Also, put a realistic time period on it to ensure you keep working to bring it to completion in a timely manner.

2. Understand the Purpose. Why do you want to accomplish this goal? What are your motives? Is this goal a “dream” or a “scheme?” When you understand the “why?” you can make the proper adjustments along the way to ensure success. This will also help make sure your goals line up with God’s plan for you. 

3. Pray Hard: Goal setting should always start and finish with prayer. That also means to DREAM BIG! Prayer is a form of dreaming and dreaming is a form of prayer when you keep your focus on His Kingdom. When we pray hard and dream big, God will put us on the path to become what He created for us to become. Never settle for a “good idea” when you can have a “God idea.”

4. Thoughtful Planning: Most of us overestimate what we can accomplish in one year, and underestimate what can be accomplished in 10 years! If you’ve already been specific in goal setting, then be specific about how you are going to reach that goal. What skills will you need? Materials? Connections? Resources…?

5. Innovative Thinking: You can’t get different results by doing the same things. You were made in the image of a creative and imaginative God, therefore creativity and imagination are a part of your DNA. Don’t just “think outside the box,” ignore there IS a box!

5. Enthusiasm: Be passionate about accomplishing your goals. Remember, God is giving you these goals (if you have established these goals through prayer) for a specific reason. We should be relentless about fulfilling them. Excitement, anticipation, and energy should be pumping through our veins to see these God-given goals accomplished.

6. Work Hard: We need to pray like it depends on God, but we should also work like it depends on us. Don’t quit when life gets difficult or your plan seems derailed. Keep moving forward and don’t give up. God is for you!

7. Picture the Goal Accomplished: Get rid of every thought of failure. Rebuke it in Jesus name! Imagine yourself accomplishing the goal. Keep that visual in your mind. Talk as if you are well on your way, and then talk as though it’s already a done deal. Begin thanking God for giving you the strength and resources to accomplish the goal. This helps change your thinking from “How is it possible?” to “I can do all things through Christ!” 

When you accomplish your goal, celebrate it. Celebrate it with the same enthusiasm and intensity that you used when you prayed and worked for it. Setting goals is the way you turn your imaginations into memories. God given goals and ideas keep you on the path to becoming all God created you to be.