Intentional Living

We need to be intentional about our lives. In order to do that we must set goals that will take us step by step to the outcome we desire. It’s pretty simple. Set the goals as step by step objectives that take us down the path toward success. So, why it is that we have such a hard time setting goals? Many people offer excuses for not intentionally setting goals. If the business owner didn’t have goals then, his or her employees wouldn’t have jobs. We all need goals. First we need to identify our goals and second we need to commit to them and allow ourselves no way out. We have to cut off all possibilities that would allow us to quit. There can be no fallback plan; no “plan B.” We cannot allow fear of failure to stop us. The Bible says over 300 times, “fear NOT!” God is our role model, and even HE has goals. So as you lay out your goals today, consider the following thoughts…


Plan Your Work And Work Your Plan

1. Set your goals and kick fear to the curb.

2. Be specific and write them down.

3. Review your goals daily.

4. GOAL = Go All In.

5. Be determined to pursue your goals even when all hell breaks loose.

6. Don’t give up.

7. Change how you think, and you change the way you live.

8. Do a monthly evaluation to determine if you are moving towards or away from your goals. Adjust as needed.

9. Don’t beat yourself up. Stop looking at what you are NOT, and start focusing on where you’re going.

10. Celebrate EVERY small victory!


Let’s Set Some Goals

Let’s pull out the goals that God has placed in our heart and have been avoiding because of fear of failure. Let’s be bold. Kick fear to the curb and live 2016 with DETERMINATION!

Press On!

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14)

No Fear!

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7)