Make the Most of Your Life

“Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Colossians 4:5 (NLT)
It’s important that we maximize the time we have been given. There’s a common expression that states “time is money.” Colossians 4:5 implores us to make the most of every opportunity and to be wise in the way we act toward those who are outside of the faith.  Although this can be extremely challenging as we go through the hustle and bustle of life, it is critical we make the most of our time so we can make the most of our lives. 
Here are 3 objectives we should implement daily if we want to make the most of our lives.
1. The Word of God needs to be fully executed in our lives. It’s been said that we need to daily apply the Bible to our lives. This is helpful, but I believe it’s better to apply our lives to the Bible. The difference is this: We should always start and end with Scripture. I don’t pick and choose the Bible verses I like, rather I make the personal adjustments in my life to line up with the Word of God in its entirety. We cannot effectively communicate biblical truth unless that truth operates in our own lives.
2.  There needs to be tangible progress in how we steward our time, talent, and treasure. How well do you steward your time, talent and treasure? Are you investing into the Kingdom of God? It is criticalwe become Kingdom investors. We must be interested in not only enjoying life now, but we must be interested also in having our lives to echo into eternity in a way that pleases our Creator.
3. Be high-impact players in helping to fulfill the Great Commission. We can do this by exchanging perishable values for eternal values. By focusing on “Thy will be done” instead of “my will be done.” This objective will help guide us as we navigate through this world.
Strive each day to progress in accomplishing these objectives They will help lead into a life of fulfillment here, and to a life that will truly echo into eternity.
Dream BIG!!!