Bring Out The Best In Those Around You
Did you know you can set people up for success? It’s true! People will rise and fall according to the level of expectation you set before them.
People will often become exactly what you expect them to become, and they will typically behave how they are expected to behave. If you communicate to the people you work with, or with your family, that you expect them to be lazy, uncreative, and negative - that's probably how they will respond to you. On the other hand, if you treat people like winners they will act like winners and will eventually become winners. Their life will be impacted one way or the other. This is called "The Pygmalion Effect."
The best salesmen EXPECT customers to buy their product. The best executives EXPECT employees to have creative ideas. The best speakers EXPECT audiences to be interested. The best leaders EXPECT people to want to follow. The best teachers EXPECT students to learn. The best pastors EXPECT their congregation to grow spiritually.
Want to bring out the best in those around you? It’s pretty simple. Treat them the way they could be! Don't just "tell it like it is." Tell it like it could be.
Jesus once said, "According to your faith it will be done to you." What are you expecting this week...from yourself... from others...from God? EXPECT THE BEST!
Your Friend,